Hey folks, Kelvin here...
Emma is so thin it hurts to look at her. We are wrapping cloth diapers around her to give the points of her pelvis and hips some protection. She is gravely thin. She is now under 18 pounds, although eating steady. I recently had the realization that her physical whithering and ability is probably a mirror of her mental state.
It seems as if it may be a mirror of our mental state as well...
Prayers accepted!
On a brighter note, Christy and I ran another 6 miler yesterday as we train for our half marathon in March. We are soooo looking forward to that race! I tagged along with Carleigh and Luke for a few mile bike ride today and they did wonderful. They have so much energy.
On to another line of thinking...it has been awhile since I reminded everyone how awesome Christy is (hint: nod your head up and down). Well, I never do it justice, but let me just say she is an indestructible mother, the warmest of lovers, a friend to all and overflows with instinctive wisdom;
She lovingly looks past the flaws of her husband and focuses on Christ, her children know the warmth of her voice and hold (and the business end of her wooden spoon!) and she keeps up her juggling act even without sleep;
Christy is an amazing woman about whom books should be written.
Over the past 2 years I have walked through the deepest of life's dark and jagged valleys. Even then, the lowest areas of my journey could be used as a perch to view down into the places where Christy does battle. As a mother holding a dying child, I concede her mental, physical and emotional journey to be beyond my understanding.
Christy, you are my hero.