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Friday, January 29, 2010

Lance Armstrong: A Little Like Emma

I once read where Lance Armstrong could maintain his high performance with as little as 88% oxygen concentration in his blood. Also, on the hard days of pumping his bike up the mountains of France he has lost as much as 11 pounds in a single day. Not too shabby, Lance. Stick with it and you'll be as tough as Emma. I'm a big fan of Armstrong for his determination after fighting cancer. One in a Yellow Jersey, the other a Yellow Rose; Coincidence? I think not.

So, where are we now? Our hearts are heavy. Our minds are confused and frustrated. We are prone to get upset on Emma's behalf. We are weak and weary. Our emotions are going numb. Our tears still flow...and they fall onto God's lap. Whatever strength we do have is enough and comes from a gracious God. We are buoyed by an army of Believers in prayer and person. Our home has been blessed by hundreds of loving hearts and prayer warriors in addition to the thousands in blog-land.

Emma's legacy will begin soon, and it will be celebration worthy.

She had a very peaceful night. Things have slowed more, although we are not sure how. She reminds me of a tube of tooth paste; regardless how empty it seems, you can always squeeze just a little more out.

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