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Sunday, October 26, 2014

October weekend

Kelvin and Carleigh headed to the ranch for youth weekend to get a big 'un! She's one cute gate girl. 

Scoping the scenery. 

Their sunset. 

5th grader and Kindergartener ready for the Fun Run. 

Cora and her girlfriends. 

Waiting his turn. 

Aaaaaand she's off! Gave it a good go for about half the race, then a bad quad cramp got the best of her. She was crying big tears on the other side of the course and didn't get to finish. She was so disappointed. :( 

Almost ready. I was too slow to catch his finish. Awesome roll stunt across the finish line. :) I think he came in 4th. He ran hard! 

After the run, we went to Luke's soccer game then headed back to the Fall Fest for some fun. 

We made it to the pumpkin patch too. 

We missed Careligh, but we didn't forget to get her a pumpkin. 

Givin' me some pumpkin peace!

I think October might be my favorite...well, one of them anyway. I wonder what Octobers are like in heaven. Do they grow pumpkins and watch the leaves on the trees change colors? Do they run through corn mazes and have three-legged sack races? I hope so. I like to think Emma and her friend Celia are having a ball this fall. I hope they are carving the prettiest pumpkins and eating caramel apples and popcorn balls like there's no tomorrow. I miss her. Now that the kids are so independent, I wonder how our lives would be different with her here with us. I like this diapers or diaper bags, no wiping hineys, everyone feeds themselves and the big ones can even cook some things themselves. I'm sure Emma would have loved cheesy grits like Luke and pancakes like all of them. I wonder if she would have liked gymnastics like Cora or preferred dance Iike Carleigh. I guess there will always be a hole, a yearning and longing. I look forward to the day we see her again. 

October blessings to you! 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Food and other stuff

So, we have been eating since I've gone back to work, but sometimes it's cereal for dinner, or sandwiches. We have eaten out WAY more than I am comfortable with. I have made menu plans for almost every week, but usually I don't get to stick to them as religiously as I used to for one reason or another. This week I made chili Sunday night, so the kids and I had that Monday with Freetos and cheese, of course. Kelvin had a dinner meeting for work he had to suffer through eating New York strip and asparagus, or something awful like that. Yesterday morning I threw all of the ingredients into the crockpot for Slow Cooker Lentil and Brown Rice Tacos. There isn't a much sweeter thing than coming home to dinner already cooked in the crockpot...except maybe my little kindergartner still being excited to see me and running up to me to give me a big ole hug when I get home. Tonight we had leftovers, and tomorrow night it will be Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad for which I will use rotisserie chicken, because it's quick and easy. I might even ask the nanny to cook the pasta if I can remember.

I sat down the other day to edit some soccer pics, and got a whole two completed out of fifty or so. Welcome to my world. Luke's team is doing well. He is still playing goalie most of the time, but occasionally he is getting to play the field.

Occasionally one gets by him, but not without him diving for it and eating some dirt!

This poor little guy just doesn't have a chance. 

Seems to be a theme with playing soccer and his tongue hanging out.

The beautiful white, puffy clouds opposite the big black rain-filled ones that dumped on us seconds after I took this photo.

Well, it's bedtime around these parts. Hope your week is going well. Happy hump day!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Most wonderful day

Kelvin and I took off work on Friday because we were headed to Frederickburg with the Fam for the weekend. After checking the weather again on Friday morning, we decided to stay home...80 percent chance of rain. We sent the kids to school and had a day  with just the two of us. It was like butter. We had the best time. We ate lunch at one of our favorite joints on the water, sipped one of our favorite drinks at another place enjoying the view of the water from the patio, and ended the day eating some bang up good elk steak and kicking up our feet around the fire pit. 

I wish we could do it all over again tomorrow.
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