2000 Decembers Agoby Joy Williams | |
Did it feel like a night any different
Than at least a million before
Was there an air of expectation
Like there was some kind of something in store
Did the sky have to hold back the thunder
Did the moon find no reason to glow
Could the children somehow sense the wonder
2000 Decembers ago
Were the sheep as amazed as their shepherds
At the new Son that lit up the sky
Did the willow trees whisper excitement
To the rivers and streams passing by
Did the joy ricochet off the mountains
Till it filled up the valleys below
Did all the world sense love abounding
2000 Decembers ago
Was anyone able to look at the stable
And not see a child but a king
I wish I could hear back over the years
As heaven and nature sing
Heaven and nature sing
Did the walls of the barn start to tremble
With the glory they could not contain
Did anyone wake with the feeling
Of peace that they could not explain
Oh, the love must have been overwhelming
As it warmed everyone in its flow
For all of the earth is still telling of
2000 Decembers ago
Was anyone able to look at the stable
And not see a child but a king
I wish I could hear back over the years
As heaven and nature sing
Heaven and nature sing
I love the lyrics to this song. Can you just imagine? What must it have been like that night 2000 Decembers ago? I can't imagine giving birth in a stable. I wonder what Mary's labor was like. She was
so young. I wonder if Joseph was a comforting coach or if she was completely alone giving birth to the Savior of the world. I was blessed with Kelvin by my side the entire time, encouraging me and wiping my forehead. We opted for an all natural birth for all of our children, so he was a crucial part of my success in carrying that desire through. I wonder what it was like to give birth to the very one who was there when she was created. I wonder what it was like to look deep into his eyes, knowing they had seen her before. I wonder what it was like to nurse the babe who created the very body from which he came. I wonder how it must have pained her so to see him some 33 years later hanging on a cross...to watch him die. I can imagine the whole in her heart, the depth of her despair. I wonder how overjoyed she must have been when he didn't need the grave clothes anymore!
I love that we were given such a precious gift. That it is so very and completely different from any other offer...
Unto us a Savior is born. He is Christ the Lord.