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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Spa-jama Party

We had such a good time at the spa party. Because I didn't read the invitation close enough, I didn't realize we were supposed to wear our pjs until we walked in. OOPS! Carleigh was not pleased. Oh well, she got over it. :)

soaking her hands to prepare for the manicure by Mom

Green is your color!

Ah, this is the life!

Green is my color too! What a cute manicurist!
Yummy food! Apricots with goat cheese and almonds, fruit and veggie tray, and tortilla pinwheels.
Good friends! One of my closet friends Jana and her little girl Addison came too!

 Our adorable host, Asha and me

 Strawberry have to try this. Sooo good!

This post isn't laid out the way I wanted to be, but hopefully you get the idea. My computer (both of them actually) was doing some funky stuff! UGH! I guess it's time for a trip to the computer guy.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


How is it that a week has already passed since I last posted? My how time flies. Tonight, Calreigh and I are going to a friend's house for a mother-daughter spa night! Doesn't that sound fun!? The guests are taking their favorite appetizer, and our friend has a massage therapist coming for the grown ups! I can't wait! I hope to remember my camera and take some good photos to share with you. Come back soon to check it out!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


July 19, 2011, is my parent's 31st anniversary! Congratulations, Mom and Dad! I am so happy for them. What a good example they have been!

Today I invited my friend, Jami, and her kiddos to go with me and mine to drop off the Orek for it's annual service. We all enjoyed some mucho bueno Mexican food at Lupe Tortillas! While in the area, I thought it would be fun to paint some pottery. Unfortunately, the pottery painting place we ventured into wanted your first born for payment. The prices were out the roof! So we decided to head back home and go paint some much more affordable pottery locally. Before we left, we ventured into Justice to see if they had any jeans that would fit Carleigh. She is too big for the 7/8 but too little for the 10/12 at Target and Old Navy. Well, not so much at Justice. The 10 was just a little bit tight across her backside. How did THAT happen?! (Big sigh) I wish I could slow down the clock just a bit. I'm not ready for my little girl to get big yet. I digress. Anyway, the kids were thrilled with their creations at our local pottery painting place, and it didn't break the bank, so the mamas were happy too. It amazes me how different their creations look these days. They have really begun to fine-tune their skills. One more summer fun item checked off our list!

In front of the red barn at the elk camp in Colorado.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summer Fun

We returned from a wonderful time in beautiful Colorado last weekend. I can't believe we've already been home a week! We're feeling better now. I went to the doctor. He gave me meds to treat bronchitis. The meds and all the vitamin A and C and other stuff I'm taking seem to have helped. Being a couch potato for a week has been fun, but I'm ready to get back into the summer swing of things. Anyway, back to the vacation. Kelvin left first, driving up to spend some time hiking and hanging out alone. He was way overdo for some downtime...alone. Hope he had fun. I know he met some new friends and enjoyed helping set a new flag pole while he was in San Isabel.
photo found here

We joined him several days later. He picked us up from the airport in Denver. It was pretty nice not having to spend tons of time in the car with kiddos who ask every two minutes how much farther, I have to admit. We all drove to Steamboat Springs to meet up with our dear friends, the Parkhouses at their place.

The kids ( and Kelvin and I too) were thrilled to see the snow on the way to Steamboat! It was cool to stop and let the kids stomp around in it. Snow in July...who knew!?!

The kids have a ball playing together. Jack and Bailey, the twins, are the same age as Carleigh, and Luke fits right in the mix. Kelvin and the kids and I all enjoyed the 4th of July with a great ride up to the top of Mt. Werner for a look around from high above Steamboat. We even saw a baby moose!

The baby moose! Can you believe it!? How cool is that? We saw him while riding the gondola.
 The fireworks were beautiful that night too.

It was fun hanging out and snacking while we waited for the fireworks.
I made a batch of the Apricots and Goat Cheese Bites Sandy posted on her blog. They were delicioso!

Before leaving Steamboat, Kelvin rented a bike for Luke so he could try out the cool pump park just outside our friends' condo.

We then headed West to Delta, Colorado, where we spent a few days at the elk camp where Kelvin goes elk hunting. We loved playing in the ice cold creek, hiking around, fishing, hanging out and riding Mr. Hank's horse.

We even finished reading aloud the first book in the Little House series while we drove. The kids (and Kelvin and I) enjoyed it so much! It's always hard coming home to the humidity and heat after spending time in the gorgeous cool mountains. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. We can't wait to go back.

There's still much to do for rest of summer...
  • sleepovers
  • water park fun
  • tubing
  • ice skating
  • outdoor theater
  • eating more watermelon
  • drinking more watermelon daiquiris
  • reading aloud more of the Little House series
  • going to the library
  • grilling
  • splasing in the blow up pool
  • making pottery
  • and more...

For a free summer fun download, click here. I saw the summer fun download link on Ann's blog a couple of weeks ago. Hope you're having a wonderful summer!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Working on new post

Hello. I know it's been a little while since I last posted. We've been on a glorious vacation, and since we've been home, I've been sick. Bummer! Kelvin and Carleigh are dabbling with being sick as well. Double bummer! I'm working on a post of our vacation to share with you. Until then, have a great week.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Independence Day

What a blessed country we are! We are free! Free to speak, free to think, free to dream...

I have been praying for freedom for so many in my life right now...freedom from addiction, freedom from the evil one ruining a marriage, freedom from pain, freedom from despair...

I would like freedom from anger, freedom from exhaustion, freedom from laziness, freedom from flab, freedom from irritation...

I look forward to Independence Day. I hope you have wonderful plans for celebration. I hope the drought around our part of the country doesn't prohibit fireworks, but I'm afraid it probably will. I hope you find ways to bring spark to your life. Won't you join me in taking time to thank God for our freedom and for those who gave their lives so that we may celebrate? Click here to go to (in)courage for a great devotional about freedom.

Aren't these adorable?! I'm going to have to try to make some for next year.
Click on the photo to go to the clever lady's blog who made them.

God Bless America
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