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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Weekly Menu

Updated to add link for Sloppy Joes...

Do you plan your meals for the week? I have been trying to incorporate that habit for a while now. This week, I have not been successful, until today (hopefully.) I knew yesterday was going to be tacos because a month or so ago Carleigh asked if we could start doing Taco Tuesday, and I said, "YES!" But yesterday, soccer practice went very late, I had a meeting, and the power was off when we got home. So, Subway to the rescue! Good thing is, I have everything for dinner tonight...Taco Tuesday on Wednesday. :) In case you're wondering, yes, we paid our light bill. Someone said a tree fell on the power lines. The entire neighborhood was down! Ugh! It was kind of fun though. The kids slept on a pallet in the living room, and we had fans going, which always makes me think of summertime on a screened porch by the lake taking a nap. Not sure if I ever did that or not, but that's what I think about nonetheless.

Anyway, I think the rest of the week will look like this...

Monday grilled cheese sammies -- check

Tuesday Chicken Taco Tuesday Subways -- check

Wednesday Chicken Taco Tuesday

Thursday Not Your Mama's Sloppy Joes

Friday fried fish with potato wedges and side salad (maybe we should just make it a poboy??)

Saturday grilled venison steak and veggies with salad and s'mores (maybe, hopefully??)

Sunday Speedy Paella

One of my new favorite dishes! It's soooo yummy!

Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School

"When I grow up I want to be someone who swims with sharks."

"When I grow up I want to be a teacher at SFA."

 "When I grown up I want to be a scarecrow!"

I found this idea on Pinterest, of course! Glad I did. I think these quotes are precious. Hope you and your little ones, or not-so-little ones had a great day at school today! This afternoon my kiddos got a special treat to celebrate their first day of the new school year. It's not every day you start preschool, third grade, and fifth grade for the first time!
Aren't these adorable!?! I used a clear bag so you could see the Dilly Bar, and each child got one with a note from Mom and Dad inside the card. Have I mentioned I love Pinterest?
Of course, the sting of not walking Emma to her first grade class did not go unnoticed. Would have been great to buy an extra Dilly Bar for my first grader today. Cora continues to ask when her sister, Emma, is coming home from Heaven. I try to explain to her that her sister isn't coming home but that we will see her again one day. Cora always says, "But I want her to!" To which I reply, "So do I." So do I.
Emma at Wee School

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hello Mornings

Monday started my Hello Mornings challenge.


I thought it was a good time to start something new, being the week before school starts for the kiddos and all. The idea behind Hello Mornings is God, Plan, Move. Get up before the kiddos, and spend some time with God, plan your day, and in your some form of exercise. I completely fell off the workout wagon this summer, ate like a horse, and gained 5 pounds!! GRR! I'm totally irritated with myself but inpsired to start fresh. I've managed to get up before the littles the past three days. Didn't manage to fit it in the MOVE portion this morning, so I'm signing off and moving my booty now! Have a good evening!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hi, my name is Christy...

Hi, my name is Christy Dunnam, and I'm addicted to Pinterest. :) I love looking through all of the boards and repinning so as to remember all of the wonderful ideas...

Like cinnamon rolls in the waffle iron...GENIUS!! The kids loved this yesterday! Of course they couldn't understand why we can't do this EVERY day.

I've also found a cool DIY idea for Cora's Halloween costume. She wants to be Super Why (you know, from PBS).

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A DIY gift for Carleigh because she LOVES building forts!

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And countless dinner ideas like these beauties!

The problem is I'm spending WAY too much time in the wonderful world of Pinterest. Guess I'm going to have to take drastic measures and start setting the timer...when it goes off, I shut "X" out.

I have whittled my list of things to do around the house just a tiny bit. It feels good to do even one thing off the list. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have cleared out all of the boxes I packed a couple of years ago when we thought we were moving. I would have just called the Goodwill truck to come pick up all of them, but I really did need some of the serving platters packed away in the kitchen boxes. I also discovered where all of the blankets I've been looking for have been. Well, it's time to start sweating it out in the garage again. Maybe I'll lose a pound or two of the 5 I've gained this summer! I guess that's what happens when you stop exercising and eat without abandon all summer long...GRR! I'm so irritated with myself.

Ta ta for now!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

500 and a project

Before I get too far along in this post, I wanted to do a little celebrating of sorts. This is our 500th post! I know it should be a lot more, but hey, let's celebrate the small things. :)

So to celebrate, how about some fro yo! I found some of our favorite yogurt on sale yesterday at my neighborhood Kroger store. (Wish I received compensation for that mention, but I don't.)

Don't ya just love a good deal!?

So, in order not to waste the yogurt and eat it before it expired in the next couple of days, I made some fro yo at home! :) The kids were delighted!

They loved the frozen treat yesterday afternoon, so I made some more this morning. We'll have one of these yummy treats after lunch! Cora just saw the pictures and said, "Ooooh, that looks yummy!" These little frozen treat molds have been the best investment. I don't remember how much they were, but I think I got them on sale at Target last year for pretty cheap. This summer we have made some delicious blueberry pops, watermelon pops, and now, these awesome frozen yogurt pops! YUM-O!

And now, for the reveal of the fantastic-deal-frame I referenced here.

I painted it a pretty shade of blue by mixing some craft paint that came in a big box of crafty stuff from my sweet MIL. Then, I added a back and was going to fill it in with wine corks to make a cool cork board. But, when I painted the backing, it started to peel. So, I punted on that idea, and did this instead...

I had some chalkboard paint from a project I did last year or the year before, so I measured the spot on my pantry door and taped it off with painter's tape. I had to use about 4 coats of chalkboard paint before it covered it really well. I'm sure I probably should have prepped the door somehow before I got started, but I'm not very patient, and I didn't have the time or patience to research it, so 4 coats isn't bad. It dried very quickly.

I plan on adding something else to the bottom of the door and putting something on the back of the door as well. I'll update you when it happens. I've wanted to do an organization station on this pantry door for years. I don't know what took me so long. I'm motivated to do some more things around the house, and I'm hoping to make it reflect a little more of me and our family.

Hope your Wednesday is wonderful!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hello Sunshine

Good morning everybody! God made you beautiful...

Source: via Kat on Pinterest

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