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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sing at the pool

Funny story...

I picked up Cora from school yesterday, and she very excitedly told be about how she was going to "sing at her school in the morning." I was a bit confused because I didn't see anything in her folder about any such singing, but I didn't argue. This morning after we left Carleigh's school, Cora tells me I don't know about the pool. Pretty random, I know. I ask her what she is talking about. After a few minutes about the pool, she tells me she is supposed to sing at the pool this morning. The lightbulb then went off in my head, and I realized she heard her teachers say they were going to sing at the pool, when what they really said is we will "See You At The Pole." In case you don't know what that means, I'll explain. In 1990, a group of kids from Texas decided they were going to pray for their school, their friends, and teachers. So, they did. Their idea spread, and students across the state and nation began gathering at their poles as well. Students gather around their school's flag pole, and they pray. I was among one of the students who gathered with my friends around our pole in 1991.

So this morning was See You at the Pole. We went to Luke's school first and prayed...for his friends, his teachers, the staff and administration, and the school district.
And then we went to Carleigh's school. We prayed for her friends, teachers, staff and administration, thanked God for our schools and the blessing it is to receive an education, and thanked Him for a country that allows the freedom to gather around a pole and pray. I was blessed to see so many faces I knew. What a comfort to know there are good, Christian teachers at her school.
And then we went to Cora's school so she could "sing at the pool!" :) I didn't get a photo of her singing praying, because she is not still for very long, but here's one of her and her sweet friend at lunch at her school the other day.
Please join me in praying for our children, their teachers and staff, the administrators, and our government officials.
Hope you'll join your child next year as they sing at the pool! ;)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mama's birthday

Yesterday was my mama's birthday. She turned 63. I'm sure she's just tickled pick that I shared that with everyone. This evening we had her and Dad over for a birthday dinner. We had salad, steak, smashed garlic potatoes, roasted okra from Aunt Sharon's garden, and Luke's famous Texas Sheet Cake. It was all so good...especially the cake. There's not much better in life than chocolate.





Tuesday, September 17, 2013

So much to little time

I have so much to say. I wish there was a way for my thoughts to magically make their way to my blog complete with edited photos and videos. I want to talk about what's going on in our neck of the woods, in our country, in our world! I want to show you all of the cool work Cora is doing and the neat things the big kids have going on. I want to talk about fall and food and fun things in the future. I want to talk about paint colors and home improvement projects I have in my head. I want to show you my fall chalkboard and my table top decorations from our ladies luncheon this weekend. I want to go back a few weeks and tell you about my girls weekend with Carleigh and talk about the things that scare the pants off of me. I want to do a lot of things.

Instead, I guess I will go to the grocery store so we can eat dinner and wash clothes, run by the library to return books so we don't have huge fines, tote kids to and fro for soccer, gymnastics and dance classes, and fold the three baskets of laundry that don't seem to be folding themselves. I'm bound and determined to carve out a spot so I can write here more...I have to!

Have a happy Tuesday

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