Monday, January 11, 2010
Dedication and Blessings
Sunday Cora was presented before our church for prayer and dedication to the Lord. It was a time where we stood before the church and the pastor asked the congregation to lift us up in prayer and hold us accountable to raise her in a Godly home, one that will lead her to a relationship with Jesus once she understands about his love and sacrifice. She was presented with a certificate of dedication as well as a letter from the pastor to be opened on her 12th birthday, describing the events of the day and presenting the plan of salvation to her in case she has not already received Jesus as her Savior. She was so sweet. She was smiling and waiving to everyone. Carleigh and Luke were precious too. They were so proud of her. Emma was having a quiet morning and was awake in Kelvin's arms as we stood at the front of the church. Since Carleigh and Emma were about 4 months for their dedications and Cora was 9 months, I was relieved that Cora fit in the same little dress Carleigh and Emma both wore for their dedication day. After the church service we came home and had our family over for brunch. It was so yummy...quiche Lorraine, Spanish oven omelet, fresh tomato and basil quiche, sausage, fruit salad, rolls and orange juice. I'll have to give you the recipes later. We also had marble cake. It was in the shape of a cross and decorated in cream icing with pink highlights. It read, "Children are a blessing from the Lord," and had Cora's name on it...perfect! After we ate, Kelvin and I, as well as his mom and my parents, read blessings over Cora. My aunt gave me a book of blessings for children several years ago and we have used it for all the children. It's just a neat thing to take the time to actually speak blessings over your children. I think we'll take the time again real soon to speak them over the bigger kids now that they are older and might remember it more. I know Carleigh especially seems to really like it when I pray over her before she goes to school sometimes. I need to be more diligent about doing that! Enjoy the pictures...