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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Did I forget to mention?

Kelvin and I awoke around 3:30 a.m. on Monday to the sound of splattering on our bedroom floor. It was Carleigh. Evidently the bug got her too. Thankfully, she was fine after emptying her stomach on my floor the one time and sitting on the potty one time later in the morning. Can you say "thank you, Jesus for hard wood/laminate flooring?" I was doing the happy dance (well, as happy as you can get while cleaning up puke) that I wasn't trying to clean up such a huge mess imbedded in carpet. I'm sure my room would still stink. Thought to self...teach Carleigh to go straight to the bathroom if she thinks she even might throw up.

As we were rolling into town Sunday afternoon, we called my friend who Luke stayed with. She said he was napping and had been running fever. He ran a low grade fever the rest of the night but after sleeping on the couch the almost the entire day Monday, he seemed fine.

Cora has had runny diapers for almost a week now. I called the doctor today. The nurse is going to get back with me. Hope she's okay. Seems this stomach bug is pretty wide spread!

Stay well!

Here are some Christmas pictures I don't think I've posted before...

Merry Christmas bright eyes

A doll for a doll

Grammy and Papa with the kiddos

Aren't their matching pjs adorable!?!
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