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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

a new day

It's a new day...I can hear the birds chirping, the dogs barking, Carleigh coloring some homework, little baby sounds, the monitor's hum, children's voices. I can see the sun peeking through the clouds and my blinds, the beautiful green of the new grass, and my little man cub's curly head poking around the corner.

Last night I could hear a big girl cry, a newborn baby cry, the frantic breathing and searching as the babe found her food supply, the relief of the big girl when her bottom was clean, the hum of the ceiling fan, the growl of the dehumidifier, the tick of the clock, the consoling voice of my soul mate.

Later this morning I'm hoping to hear the breath of two little ones and myself as we nap.

I pray, even in the midst of my sometimes hectic and sometimes sad daily routine I continue to see, hear, smell, taste and feel the wonderful things in life...the small and free, yet priceless things. There are so many who are hurting today, and I pray they can find comfort in those priceless things.
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