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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Filling the Landfill

I had forgotten how many diapers a newborn baby goes through in a day. The other night I changed 5 diapers. Sometimes I forget who I've changed last. It's a diaper fest around these parts, people! I feel bad that I'm contributing so much to the landfill, so I'm trying my darndest to recycle everything else I can. We even have a compost bin working!

Kelvin has been working like a dog getting our yard looking pretty. The flowers are blooming now and look beautiful. I hope they stay pretty and it doesn't rain on Easter Sunday so the kids can enjoy hiding eggs for each other all day long in the backyard.

We're having brisket for Easter dinner. Yummy! I just need to come up with some good sides to go along with it. I'm wanting something besides bbq sides...any suggestions?

We had a fun night last night roasting marshmallows and wishing on stars. We cut down a couple of trees in the backyard, so we can see the stars now. Of course, they're not quite as bright here in the big city, but we can still see some, nonetheless. All of the kids' Easter parties are today. I hope either Kelvin or I get to make it to at least a few minutes of each one.

Don't you just love spring? I especially love Easter. Thank you Jesus for your promise of new life for everyone!
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