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Sunday, July 26, 2009

We've Got Wood!

I. LOVE. MY. NEW. FLOORS! We got home this evening after being away for the weekend while the flooring guys installed wood (laminate) floors throughout the bottom portion of our house!! I wanted to do the happy dance when we walked through the front door, and I saw the beautiful wood floors instead of the stained carpet I once had. What a great close to a wonderful weekend. We had a blast at our friend's condo in Rockport. Made me really miss the beach house though.

The only bad part about the new floors is that I'll be cleaning the entire house from top to bottom. It's a dust bowl around here. The walls, picture frames, bookcases, every nook and cranny is dusty from the tile being busted up and the sawdust from the wood. Oh well, it's worth it! I love these floors. Just be patient, the pictures are coming. Can't wait to post them.

Some more of my favorite pics of Emma. I can't believe last week marked a year when the doctor confirmed his suspicions that Emma had Infantile Batten Disease. It's amazing how quickly the disease has taken over our precious baby! These pictures are a sweet reminder of happier days for our little doll.

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