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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Have you ever

Have you ever watched someone feed a baby? You know, the baby is in the high chair, and the person is in front of the high chair tray with the spoon and the food. It is hilarious to watch most people spoon feed a baby. Their mouths do the funniest things.

Have you ever wished on a star or seen one shoot across the sky? Luke's wish still hasn't come true...he wants a hamster. One less thing we need around here in my opinion. Which counts for more than one vote!

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? I couldn't resist.

Have you ever wished you drove a monster truck so you could drive right over the person who wasn't being very nice in traffic?

Have you ever called into a radio station and spoken to the DJ? I won tickets to Astroworld when I was in high school. Carleigh just called in to our Christian station the other day and asked for prayer for Emma.

Have you ever been so scared you could hear your heartbeat in your ears?

Have you ever felt like you were drowning and you weren't even in the water?

Have you ever gotten everything checked off your "to do" list?

Have you ever been so excited about something you couldn't sleep?

Have you ever said something wishing you could hit the delete button immediately?

Have you ever held someone as they passed from this life to the next?

Have you ever heard the first cry of a newborn baby and realized you had been holding your breath until you heard it?

Have you ever had such a good day you wished it would never end?

Have you ever wished you could hit rewind and go back to a happier day for your baby girl who is not so happy these days?

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