Just letting you know we haven't fallen off the deep end...yet. ;) I was sick this week, and just bombarded with other things to do and couldn't find the time to write. It's been kind of a hard week. Emma is three today. I'm happy and sad. I realized yesterday I have a very hard time going to the store to shop for special occasions for her. It takes its toll on me. I want to get her all the fun 3 year old toys she should be getting, but instead have to settle for something more appropriate for her needs. We're having a small family party after church today, so stay tuned for pictures of the beautiful birthday babe!
And if you remember from last week, we went sailing last Sunday. The weather was beautiful, a little breezy and cool, but still beautiful, and we had a wonderful time. More to come on our excursion!
Hang in there with me! I'll get going again soon, very soon! (Hopefully tonight)