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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Kinda Bummed

It was confirmed last week that I do indeed have gestational diabetes. Did I say that already? Anyway, yesterday I went to the hospital for a consultation with the dietitian and nurse. We discussed some diet changes, and the nurse showed me how to prick my finger and what numbers I need to look for. I have to record them for a week and fax them my results. He was telling me that hopefully the glucose levels can be controlled with the diet, but sometimes the body just needs some help, which would mean medication or insulin. So far, it's not looking so good with the finger pricks. My levels last night and this morning were both off. :( I'm hoping things level out soon.

Emma saw her new home bound teacher yesterday. It was a good visit. I'm glad we decided on home bound for her. Changes don't seem to be up her alley lately.

Last night we went to a local steakhouse and listened to Mean Gene Kelton play. He is one of the bands playing at Emma's benefit. It was a lot of fun! Emma really liked the music. She gets so excited when there is live music. I think she can feel the vibration of the instruments. It was good to see her reacting that way. Lately, she has been unhappy most of the time. She cries and fusses, and I'm just not sure why. It's really disheartening.

I'm working on getting the pictures together from the sailing trip we took. I'll try to post them later today.
Have a good one!
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