I was reminded of the words I penned to our Compassion child just the day before..."butterflies remind us of our little girl. They make us happy." I guess all of these things were going through my subconscious, because I had a wonderful dream, during my Sunday afternoon nap, that Emma was still with us, and my mom and I were with her somewhere. Dreams are weird, at least mine are, and I'm not sure what we were doing or where we were, but she was talking! It was the most beautiful, magical sound I had ever heard. I wish I could have stayed in that place forever listening to her. I wish she were here to enjoy all of the fun festivities. I wonder what she would've dressed up as. Carleigh is a pretty pirate girl, Luke is Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Cora is an adorable little lion. Would she have wanted to be Tinkerbell or one of the Disney princesses? I wonder how long her hair would've been and what her handwriting would've looked like. I wonder what she would've enjoyed doing most in preschool at Weeschool. I wonder if she would love eating okra as much as Cora does. Would she have loved cooking in their play kitchen like Carleigh and Cora and playing games on the computer like Luke? I wish November 1 didn't mark 9 months since Emma let go of this life. I miss her terribly.