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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hi Emma

(author warning...k)

I wish I could write Emma a note, you know, something simple like...

Dear Emma,

Hi baby girl! How was your day today? Did you have fun? Are you getting to run and laugh and sing?

(ten minute pause for crying)

Anyhow, I just wanted write and tell you how much I love you and miss you. I hope Jesus is giving you all the messages and hugs we tell him every night in our family prayers. If He is not hugging you like we are asking him to do, just let me know and I'll talk to him about it. We have been pouring over all of your pictures. You are so pretty.

(five minute pause for crying)

So, I still get sick at my stomach every time we get in the car and I count out loud "Everyone buckled in...1...2...3..."...STOP, just three. Four sounded so much better. I miss you. Well better go for now, the rest of the fam is about to be home. I love you Emma. I hope you have sweet dreams about catching butterflies on the beach.

Love always and forever,
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