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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Not so wordless Wednesday

"Take our picture, Mommy!" Carleigh is such a sweet big sister. She loves to take pictures with her siblings, mostly her sisters. The other day she was talking to me and asked if I wished Batten Disease only lasted for a day. I told her I wished Batten Disease would just go away. She agreed. I think it is harder than we will ever know for this big sister as she struggles with her little sister deteriorating before her very eyes.

Emma does this cute thing where she raises her eyebrows and moves her eyes back and forth when she hears something new or familiar or when something is interesting or exciting for her. It's sweet to see her do that when Carleigh or Luke talks to her or when Cora cries out. You should have seen the coveted smiles Kelvin was getting last night when she was getting his full attention! Priceless!! I wish I could take photos with my eyes so I wouldn't miss the flashes of happiness that comes from my little angel girl. I will just have to tuck the image in the favorite memory file of my mind.
Before I forget, the neurologist called today and said there was no seizure activity on the EEG. There were new irregularities on the temporal lobes which suggest seizure activity is likely (I think I'm repeating this correctly) but nothing to suggest we need to increase her meds at this time.
Stay tuned for more from the Dunnam household and their summer activities with pictures hopefully tomorrow. Have a great evening. Wishing you cool evenings, bright stars, and a shower or two if you need one!
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