Cora is three months old today! Somebody needs to let me know how to slow this train down !
Cora is a delightful little baby. She has started smiling all the time, unless she is sleeping in her swing, of course, which she does for several hours a day! She was in my sling facing forward the other day when I was feeding Emma, and Cora just smiled and smiled at her big sister as she ate! It was so sweet. She has started laughing too. My sweet friend Dee came by to visit the other day and Cora laughed out loud for the first time! Precious! There's nothing sweeter than baby noises. She loves getting her diaper changed. She just smiles the entire time...melts your heart. Here are some pictures of her playing on the playmat. She's starting to reach out for things now too. She has mastered the art of hitting or taking her pacifier out of her mouth...looking forward to the day she learns how to put it back in. She probably would like to be a thumb sucker, and as cute as that is, I believe it's easier to break a pacifier than a thumb, so we keep putting the paci back in after she knocks it out!
Cora is a delightful little baby. She has started smiling all the time, unless she is sleeping in her swing, of course, which she does for several hours a day! She was in my sling facing forward the other day when I was feeding Emma, and Cora just smiled and smiled at her big sister as she ate! It was so sweet. She has started laughing too. My sweet friend Dee came by to visit the other day and Cora laughed out loud for the first time! Precious! There's nothing sweeter than baby noises. She loves getting her diaper changed. She just smiles the entire time...melts your heart. Here are some pictures of her playing on the playmat. She's starting to reach out for things now too. She has mastered the art of hitting or taking her pacifier out of her mouth...looking forward to the day she learns how to put it back in. She probably would like to be a thumb sucker, and as cute as that is, I believe it's easier to break a pacifier than a thumb, so we keep putting the paci back in after she knocks it out!
Put 'em up!
Cute little piggy toes!
Happy 3 month Birthday, Cora!
The big kids had a great time yesterday, for a few minutes anyway, at the spray park with my MOPS group. I think we stayed a whopping 30 or so minutes. I was so proud, as was Luke, that he got his head and face wet! Small steps, people, slow steps...
My little mermaid...notice the new bangs? She loves her new "do".
Hope you have a great weekend!