I'm thankful for my wonderful husband. Without him my whole world would crater. He is such a rock. He has the most generous spirit. And he loves me like no other. I have the best man around. He is kind and gentle but strong and courageous too. He has the best sense of humor and pulls the funniest pranks. He is great with our kids. He loves God and is a strong spiritual leader for our family.
I'm thankful for our beautiful children. They are a gift from God.
I'm thankful for my precious friends. Without whom I would be in sooo much trouble. I love all the different relationships we have, and God has placed each one in our lives for a purpose.
I'm thankful for my sweet church family. They love us so genuinely and take up the slack where we cannot right now.
I'm thankful for our family. They are our backbone.
I'm thankful for our house. May laughter always abound and love conquer all. May all who enter as guests leave as friends.
I'm thankful for our cars, even though they are getting smaller by the day. :)
I'm thankful for the wonderful food God has supplied the past several months.
I'm thankful for furniture and comfy beds.
I'm thankful for beautiful flowers and cool mornings and evenings.
I'm thankful for rest and relaxation and pray we see more of it in the coming days.
I'm thankful for pretty things.
I'm thankful for music. Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach.
What are you thankful for? Leave me a comment and let me know. Have a great day.