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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Waitin' for the Weekend

Boy do we ever have a busy weekend! Carleigh's dance recital is Saturday evening. Her church choir musical is Sunday. She has dress rehearsal tomorrow night and choir practice Saturday morning. We're looking forward to it. She is so talented. I can't wait to see her perform. She is such a doll. She's growing up so fast...her little baby face is quickly fading into a big girl. I look back at pictures and videos from a year or two ago and I'm sad I didn't realize how little she was. I know I can't go back now. I intend to treasure the days ahead. Here are my two girls not so long ago...

Emma was quite fussy with her OT yesterday. She was napping when her PT got here today and wasn't feeling very much like work, so she got a tummy massage instead. We are so blessed to have some great therapists. It's hard to see her like this. I wish so badly there was a way to turn back time and give her the missing enzyme she needs to thrive. She was such a little pistol...always into something. I miss seeing her running around, carrying her Abby Cadabby doll. I tore up the house looking for her doll this week with no luck. I guess it must have been at the beach house. I hate hurricanes! The weather is warm and perfect for the beach, but there is no beach house to go to now. Last weekend we took the kids down with the intention of letting them swim, and Luke ran upstairs to get his stuff ready. He always filled a pillowcase with his favorite toys of the week to take to the beach house with him. Kelvin had to explain to him that we wouldn't be staying there because the hurricane blew it away. Hurricanes stink! I think I'll get Emma a new Abby doll. She loved that thing. The doll's voice was kind of annoying, but how I wish I could be annoyed again and see Emma holding it and listening to it sing to her. Batten Disease stinks too! Emma's resting in her beanbag right now. I'm glad she's getting some rest. It's good to see her calm.
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