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Monday, March 15, 2010


The weather has been absolutely beautiful the past few days. I am so thankful for the change. The winter has been very hard, to say the least. We enjoyed spending some time outside digging weeds and clearing out some of our pitiful dead plants. I love seeing the new growth, new blooms, green sprigs of grass. I am always ready for each season, but I'm especially fond of this spring. It reminds me of Emma's beauty. Her sweet smile, her beautiful eyes and soft hair. I thank God for all the beautiful butterflies we've seen that remind me of Emma. I'm sure she is enjoying spring too. It's even more perfect for her than us.

This afternoon we're going to meet some friends at the Kemah Boardwalk and spend the evening with them. Love. that. place!

I'm praying the weather will be just as beautiful for the 2nd Annual Emma's Bayou Bash! So many lovely people have given so much time and effort, so many hours, so much sweat and tears, to make this year the best. We will celebrate the beautiful life of our little angel, Emma, and hopefully raise a whole lotta money for Emma's Hugs and Batten Disease Support and Research Association. Hope you'll join us. If you can't come to Emma's Bayou Bash and you want to donate anyway, please go to You'll see the donate button at the top of the website.

Happy spring!
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