He y'all! So glad you could stop by and catch up on what's going on around our little neck of the woods. Today should be Not Me! Monday, but my pregnant brain just can't get all of my thoughts together to amuse you today. Not that my crew and I haven't had some belly laughs this week, I just can't remember well enough to relay them to you.
We've enjoyed getting in the Christmas groove around here. It's such a special time of year. The kids went to our church's children's advent service and made an advent chain. We enjoy taking a link off and reading what it suggests to do each day. I look forward to reading the Bible stories related to Christmas, singing Christmas songs, and doing all things Christmas to help us remember the sacrifice and realize how Jesus humbled himself to come to this world as fully human and fully God to provide a way for us to spend eternity with Him! It's all so amazing and overwhelming to think about! I hope you will spend some time this season reflecting on how very much He loves you and what a beautiful time of year this is. Not only beautiful because of the sights, scents and sounds of the season, but because Jesus provided a purpose for your life. He wants us to live, not just a ho-hum, drab existence, but an abundant life. By abundant life He doesn't mean for us to cram as much as we can into our schedules. He means He wants to be the center of our lives, to help us through each moment, to be the connected to everything we are, think, feel and do.
So, will you join me in an effort to not let this season slip by with busyness and forget the whole reason we celebrate? Take a moment each day to reflect on our beautiful Savior who came to this earth as a helpless child at Christmas time. Let this season be a time where we drink in His love, take His yoke upon us (learn from Him), and breath.
Merry Christmas!