In a few short minutes it will be Christmas eve, and I still have a tad bit of shopping to do. Crazy, huh? If my pregnant brain didn't cause me to forgot absolutely everything unless I write it down, I might not have to make so many trips to the store. Oh well, makes life more interesting.
Tonight we visited with some of our very good friends. One of them is a flight attendant and just happened to be working on flight 1404 from Denver to Houston Saturday night that crashed on the runway! She is our new hero! I have only heard good reports of what an outstanding job the crew did that evening. She was giving us some of her account of the incident, and I thought about how incredibly short life is and how we are not promised the next breath. Thankfully, no one perished in the accident. Our friend's ankle is pretty messed up but not broken.
Events such as these make me reevaluate what is important. So, what's on your Christmas list? Here are a few things on mine...although I would love a new slim line counter top stereo, a pedicure, and a permanent live-in nanny/housekeeper, there are other things which are far more important. I would love to see people spend less on frivolous things and more on things which will make an eternal impact like sponsoring children in underprivileged countries, or providing meals or clothes or pay an electric bill for those of our own country who are struggling financially, or giving to the missionaries who are telling people about the love of God in places I've never even heard of, or giving to pregnancy centers and soup kitchens and orphanages. I mean really, do we need to get our kids so many new toys? Wouldn't a couple do? I wish I would've spent more time this Christmas season explaining to my kids that there are children in our own town who might not get anything for Christmas and then working together as a family to figure out ways we could make a difference. I have to confess, my kids are probably getting too much again this year. I'll probably end up cleaning out their rooms half way through the new year and bagging even the new toys up to give away or throw away. I pray in 2009 our hearts will see a change and we won't be so consumed with "things." Our family has begun to sponsor our first child in El Salvador. I pray that this little guy will come to understand how much Jesus loves him and if he hasn't already given his life to Jesus, he will. I pray my own children will personally give their lives to Jesus as well. Isn't that the greatest gift of all? And it's totally free. All we have to do is accept it!
What are you wishing for this year? I hope you have a very merry Christmas!