While I was waiting for our blog to get up and running, I wrote down some things. Sorry this is a bit out of order...
Sept. 24--There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear I John 4
Today was an ok day for Emma. I did notice yesterday and today that she is not chewing her food well. This concerns me greatly. She loves to eat so much, I hate to think she might not be able to for much longer. I pureed her dinner last night and added some protein to it. I spoke with Dr. Zeller, her neurologist today and he increased her medication again. I hope this helps her seizures which have increased in intensity. It’s scary and worrisome to see her progression. I continue to ask God to take my worry and fear. It’s just so hard to let go of it when you’re talking about your child. She’s so sweet. We can still make her laugh which totally brightens my day.
Sept. 25--3:30 is not my favorite time of dayThis morning Emma was a fuss bucket. She was madder than an old wet hen that I didn’t have her breakfast ready to go immediately! She has since taken a nap and seems to be in a much better mood. I’m sure it didn’t help her demeanor any that she woke up this morning at 3:30 (yes, there are two of those in a day), didn’t go back to sleep until 5:00 and woke up for the day at 7:15. It amazes me how much she can eat. Connie, my mother-in-law, swears she has gained 5 pounds while we have been here. I've been impressed with her ability to understand my navigational directions for her. As she doesn't see so well, it's very common for her to walk square into a table, door, chair, or whatever is in her path. I've been telling her what is in front of her, and she has been stopping. Sweet little baby has been saving herself some yucky bumps! I'm not saying she hasn't gotten any though. Seems like she always has a bump or bruise or two. :(
Did I forget to mention we have been evacuated for Hurricane Ike for nearly two whole weeks now? AWRG! While Connie is a dream to have around for helping with the kids, I’m ready to be at my own house and sleep in my own bed with my own husband! (No offense, Lukester.) I’m hoping we get to home this evening. Everyone in the neighborhood with the exception of our street had power last night.
Sept. 26--There's no place like home, There's no place like home
Whoo Hoo! WE HAVE POWER!!! Yippee! We're home. Emma was so happy to be home. You could tell she new exactly where we were. She started her usual trek around the house...the circle from the den to the kitchen, to the formal, back to the den. She was so glad to know where she was.
Sept. 29--Whoa sister, look at that shiner!
Today everyone went back to school for the second time this year. The kids were so excited to be back in their routine. When I went to Wee School to pick up Luke and Emma, I had to sign a paper for Emma's injury. (Last year it seemed I signed those at least once a week.) Poor little thing is not the most graceful thing. She fell and bopped her eye on a chair. She had a shiner any school aged boy would be proud of! She looked like she was wearing blue eye shadow for several days, then it turned to yellow, purple, pink and green! A couple of days later, she fell at home and knocked her head on the rocking chair while we were hugging the others good night. A knot the size of a walnut popped up on her little sweet head! Ouch! Of course, school pictures were only a few days later. So I'll be sure and post a picture so you can see the damage when I get the pics back.