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Monday, April 22, 2013

Soccer and Gumbo and Sundays

A few weeks ago, Luke played his first soccer game of the spring season. They ran all over that poor little was kinda ugly. He was so excited he even laid out his uniform the night before! :) Love that boy! Of course, being the "Mother-of-the-Year" that I am, I either forgot the camera and didn't get any shots, or I took some and can't locate them now. :/ Saturday, his team played the same team again. The other team looked better this time, but Luke's team still won! He loves soccer! It's fun to see how excited he gets about the game...even practice! This time I got a shot with my phone. Hopefully next week I'll remember my camera.

Thank you for your grace with the poor photo quality. :\
Kelvin missed this game because he was helping Team Lubrizol Gumbonauts (sp?) set up for the Gumbo Cookoff and Zydeco Festival Saturday afternoon which benefitted Emma's Hugs. We were so thankful for the opportunity to raise awareness for Emma's Hugs in Houston. We all had a great time, and the Lubrizol Cooking team won 2nd place! Whoo Hoo!

The photo looked much better on my phone screen than it does on my computer screen...bummer.
Yesterday, we had some yummy homemade waffles and deer sausage for breakfast and then headed to church. We enjoyed a lazy Sunday afternoon of playing outside, napping (for me :) ) and a Sunday afternoon drive. When we got back home, the Creamy Black Bean Chili I made earlier in the day was ready to eat. Don't you just love days like that?

So, how was your weekend? What did you do? Anything fun? Has spring sprung where you are? We are loving the mild days and savoring each one. Cora and Kelvin and I went for a run/walk/play-at-the-park this morning. It was so nice not to burn smooth up.

I hope you have a most happy Monday!
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