I am not a morning person at. all. I enjoy staying up late when the house has finally settled down after the hustle and bustle of the day and do a project, or browse my favorite blogs, or look at all the awesomeness on Pinterest. But, I have found, I really enjoy going to bed a little sooner and then waking early to spend time studying the Word and praying before my kiddos get moving in the morning. My body has actually kind of adjusted to waking early and I look forward to my time now. Don't get me wrong, I can sleep in like nobody's business, but it's been good having a structured time to start my day planning, studying the Word, and working my body. I feel like I'm getting a good start to the day.Do you need some structure too? Click on the links and find a group that's right for you. Let me know if you do. It's fun knowing you're doing a challenge together.
I hope you have a fantastic Thursday!