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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dance as though nobody is watching

*******Updated to add video*******

Carleigh has been asking for a couple of years now to get back into dance. She took for a couple of years, then I just got too tired to take her to lessons and do the whole "dance thing" after Emma got sick and passed away. Well, she has continued to ask to dance. I registered her for a dance camp this week. She has thoroughly enjoyed herself. Of course, I think she looks beautiful when she dances and is loaded with talent, but her teacher said she thinks Carleigh has a lot of natural talent too. :) I see dance classes in our future. Today is the last day of camp, and the girls are performing for the parents. I can't wait to see her! Hope to post a video later.


Carleigh is the one in the dark pink tank top and bright yellow shorts. :)
On another note, remember the "awesome deal frame" I posted about several months ago? The one that was regularly like $94 and was clearanced for $6? Well, today I started working on the project I had in mind. Then things didn't go quite as planned, so I scrapped that idea and decided to do something else with it. I will post a photo when I'm finished. Can't wait. Don't you wish you didn't have to wait to complete projects? Patience, ugh!
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