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Friday, November 11, 2011

Thankful day 7

I am thankful for all the military men and women who make so many sacrifices for our country. I am proud to live in this great nation, and I know it wouldn't be nearly as great had so many not given so much.

I am thankful I got to go to Carleigh's Veteran's Day program this morning...what an inspiration!

My dad got to come to the program too! He served in the Navy. Marvin, Kelvin's dad, served in the Army. I am so proud! I wish I could've grabbed Luke for the picture. His class got away too fast. I always get a lump in my throat when the different branches of the military stand to be recognized. What an honor to be a part of today.

I am also thankful for the fun girls day I had with my friend Lesley at the Nutcracker Market in Houston. It was fun hanging out and eating and shopping and eating and talking and talking some more!

I am also thankful Kelvin is on his way home from a looooong week of elk hunting. I am thankful everyone is safe and had a good time despite the fact they didn't get an elk.
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