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Monday, November 21, 2011

Thankful day 12

I missed a couple of days, but I'm back now.

I am thankful I got to watch Carleigh perform with her honor choir at one of the high school bazaars Saturday. What a joy!

Sorry for the poor photo quality. I'm using a little flip phone until we can get that situation settled. (No the other phone didn't work. :( )

I am thankful for time with friends around the fire pit.

I am thankful for good food.

I am thankful for time alone with my oldest child.

I am thankful for Luke's laugh.

I am thankful for Cora's excitement as she discovers new things.

I am thankful for a group of girls who have been together, most of them since birth, who love each other and the Lord. It's neat to watch them grow.

I am thankful for my husband.

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