Luke: Cora, say, "Dear"
Cora: Dee
Luke: "God"
Cora: Dah
Luke: "thank you"
Cora: Taychu
Luke: "for"
Cora: poh
Luke: "this"
Cora: dees
Luke: "day."
Cora: day.
Mommy: "Amen."
Cora: Aaaman
Enough to melt your heart. Lately, any time our family is praying aloud, she reaches out to hold the nearest sweet. I wish I could freeze moments like these.
She mimicks everything. She has found her own little scream. I guess I should probably work on not using such a loud voice or yelling so much...
Oh be careful little eyes what you see...
Be careful little ears what you hear...
Be careful little feet where you walk...
Be careful little mouth what you say...
Be careful little hands, what you touch...
For the Father up above is looking down in love.
And the little almost 18 month old is watching every move and listening to every word and tone.