All the children of the world,
Red, brown, yellow, black and white,
They are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world...
I just wish so many of them didn't have to suffer so. May they feel His love tonight. Pray for a very sick little girl at Texas Children's Hospital to whose mom Emma's Hugs gave a parking chip. Her kidneys are beginning to fail. Her mom told me the doctors don't have much hope, but her faith is strong. I told her to hold tight to her faith. It's hard to think that sometimes the answer may be that a child will be totally healed not here with his or her parents, but rather with his/her Maker. I guess the faith lies in believing that God can absolutely perform a miracle healing here on Earth, but that either way, Jesus loves the precious children more than we can, and He will take care of them and us better than we can. Also pray for Colton and Emma. They are both very sick, one with a brain tumor they are trying to remove completely, the other with all kinds of terrible symptoms which have not been diagnosed yet.