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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

18 months

Our little Cora turned 18 months old yesterday. (I'm always a day late and a dollar short.) I'm continually amazed at how quickly time flies. She is growing up so fast. When I drop her off at Wee School she gets so excited and waves and says "bye, bye." She likes to try to do absolutely EVERYTHING the big kids do. Some of the things I love about Cora...

1. The way she says Mommy.
2. Her big, beautiful smile.
3. Her little "yoga" pose.
4. The way she squats down to see something closer.
5. Her new affection for her blanket.
6. The way she wants me to wrap her up in her blanket.
7. Her excitement over her "paci."
8. How she loves shoes.
9. The way she'll turn around and back up to sit in my lap (or anyone's) when I'm on the floor.
10. The way she runs.
11. The way she sings "opera."
12. The way she puckers her lips to give us kisses.
13. The way she says, "mwah" when she gives a kiss.
14. The way she runs to the door, yelling "Daddy" when Kelvin gets home.
15. The way she puts her arms up for me to pick her up.
16. Her huge appetite.
17. Her excitement about taking her vitamins.
18. The constant discoveries she makes every day.

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