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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

On the Table Tuesday

Hey there! How was your Easter? Ours was just lovely, really! We took an awesome bike ride with the kiddos on Friday, did an egg hunt and other festivities at church Saturday morning, went to Easter services Saturday evening, took it easy Sunday morning and made Resurrection Rolls, played a fun game, watched the girls wash my car, and joined some friends and let the kids swim until they were a nice shade of blue and covered in chill bumps. All good things must come to an end, huh?

Our family shared time together during Holy Week reading through some scriptures each day and discussing the symbols that led to Jesus' crucifixion and glorious resurrection. Treasures. I just love our Easter Heartfelt banner. Click the link and check it out. We also love our Advent banner from Heartfelt.

Well, now for the food....

Monday- We had hot dog croissants. Our sweet friend, Angie made these while we were at the beach last summer, and I remembered them when I had an extra can of croissants from the Resurrection Rolls. I bought some dogs, wrapped them in cheese, and then wrapped them in the croissant rolls, and baked those babies. They are so good. Dip them in your favorite condiment. I served them alongside some sliced apples and strawberries.

Tuesday- TACO TUESDAY! Whoo Hoo! It's my lucky day. We had fish leftover from last week, so I repeated the fish tacos from last week. Nothing like bringing a little happy to your day with fish tacos!

Cilantro and lime...two of my favorite combos. I hope the cilantro I planted will take off so I won't have to buy it at the store anymore. Not that it's that expensive (2/$.88 at the K-Roger), but picking your own is so much more fun!

I found another fish taco recipe I thought I would give a shot tonight. I gave the chiptole sauce a shot, which was pretty good, but stuck with my tried and true Cilantro and Lime Fish Tacos from Closet Cooking. Y'all, I'm transported to the white sandy beaches of somewhere wonderful when I've had that crema sauce. I could eat it right out of the bowl with a spoon. MMMMM mm mmmm!

Wednesday- We're going to give the Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic recipe a shot. There were rave reviews, and I have chicken and garlic. It was calling my name. I'm serving it over pasta. 

Thursday- Coconut Rice and Black Beans. How could I go wrong with that combo? I've made this recipe before, and I lurve it. So creamy and gooood!

Friday- YOYO- We'll be at a Zumbathon to benefit Emma's Hugs. If you're local, join us at Cedar Bayou Grace United Methodist Church at 7 p.m. Bring your $10 donation and a bunch of friends and get cray-to-the-zay with us! 

Saturday- not sure yet. Luke has a choir festival all day. It might be pizza night.

Sunday- probably cold cuts or BLTs. Luke has his last soccer game of the season. Hope they win.

And because I know you want to see my little darlings hunt for eggs, here they are...

Kelvin made them close their eyes. I think every one of them cheated!

It's all about winning for Luke. We finally made him stop so the girls could find some. 

How'd she get to be so big?

I was waiting for the swing to break so I could laugh. Is that bad? ;)

Such a sweet sister. Carleigh passed over quite a few so Cora could find them. I love her!

Counting the loot  findings!

Have a great week!

I'm Linking to the Organizing Junkie's Menu Planning Monday. Click the link for more menu plans.

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