Have you ever had the perfect day? I just love it when one of the kids says they are having the best day ever. That's how I felt Saturday. We have some precious friends who let us use their lake house on occasion, and this weekend was one of those occasions. We got there late Friday evening. Saturday morning we rose from our slumber and lingered on the porch over coffee. I made pancakes and sausage, and then we headed out to the water. We were all in the water by 10 a.m. We played and swung on the rope swing until we were famished and had to stop to eat lunch. We all scarfed down a sandwich and then headed back to the water for a couple of more dips in the lake. Mr. Sandman came knocking about that time, so we all headed in for a nap. I just love naps. They're my favorite. After naps we headed out once again and played in the water until dark. We caught the sunset on the porch, then grilled burgers and ate dinner at bedtime. Kelvin and Luke went fishing after dinner, and I dozed on the back porch before we all headed to bed. It was the perfect day on the water. As an added bonus, Kelvin's mom joined us. The kids love it when one of their grandparents are with them. It's like the cherry on top. :)
Summertime, and the livin' is easy...indeed |