I cannot beLIEVE this is the first day of June! (Well, it was when I started this post anyway!) It's been a month since I last posted. That's terrible! May was a good month, full of fun and memory-making moments. It started with Carleigh's recital, which was my last post. The week after that, Kelvin completed his last final exams ever! Yeehaw! I cannot even begin to explain how proud I am of this man of mine! He is AMAZING! The next weekend was Mother's Day. The kids and Kelvin made me feel special...as always. Carleigh got up before the chickens and made me breakfast. She is such a doll. We went to church and then headed down to one of our favorite restaurants on the water.

The very next day, Kelvin and I headed out for four days by.our.selves! It was WONDERFUL. We stayed at a sweet little place in Fredericksburg and took in the sites like we've never done before. We ate at a couple of really great places, hiked Enchanted Rock, and went to the Nimitz Museum. We also swam in the pool and sat in the hot tub one afternoon, took a nap before bedtime, and got in a run one morning. It was heavenly. Then we came home...back to reality. ;)
Shera, Princess of Power!
When we returned, it was time for graduation! We were all so excited...especially me! Kelvin may have been a little bit more excited than me, but I don't know. I had to make some signs so he could spot us in the stands. The kids were totally psyched to see themselves on the jumbotron screen at Minute Maid Park. Before the ceremony began, there was a Twitter feed scrolling on the screen. Luke thought it was very cool to see my tweet, "So proud of our UHDad! {heart}, Carleigh, Luke and Cora
One of the cutie pies he saw in the stands. |
Processional--Kelvin sees us in the stands and gives us a big smile and wave. :)
Photo op with the president of the Univeristy of Houston-Downtown |
So happy together |
Our University of Houston-Downtown Dad
1. Kelvin and his grandma 2. Kelvin and Andrew & Priscilla, his niece and nephew 3. Kelvin and his mom
4. Kelvin and his Uncle Gene 5. University of Houston-Downtown School Emblem 6. Kelvin's Aunt Carol & Uncle Tommy
7. Cora giving some graduation kisses 8. Kelvin and Luke 9. Kelvin and Carleigh 10. Kelvin and his delicious chocolate cake--You are the MAN!
After graduation, Kelvin started a new job at Lubrizol. He is now the supply chain manager. He also had a birthday in May. He's kinda like a fine wine...just gets better with age.
Carleigh had her 5th grade play day at the local water park. I got teary-eyed watching her and her friends she's had since preschool having a ball celebrating the end of elementary school. I also got to go to her final choir festival the next day. Hopefully I'll find time soon to post some pics and more details about her 5th grade events.
Tomorrow, Carleigh turns 11. She graduates from elementary school Friday. I'm just stunned. It doesn't seem possible. I remember like it was yesterday being pregnant with her!
I love blogging. Hopefully this summer I can figure out a good system for staying consistent. I like having a place to chronicle our days, meals and projects. I'm looking forward to summer. Hopefully, I don't have my hopes set too high for all I want to accomplish (and what I want the kids to do). ;)
How was your May?