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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Awards and summer

We are in our first week of summer vacation at our house. It's been so nice doing a lot of nothing. The kids were pretty worn out with the end-of-school hullabaloo. We are so proud of the big kids for the great work they did this year. They both learned so much and did so well. They both received multiple awards in their classes.

Carleigh's 5th grade awards/graduation ceremony with her principal

I'm so proud of her!

Most of these girls have been together since they were babies in the church nursery!

Luke and his teachers

Luke and his buddies...I am so proud of him!

This week Luke and I got haircuts, Cora started swimming lessons, and I took the kids bowling. Gotta love those "Kids Bowl Free" passes!


Hmm, I don't know about this one!

Do I see a spare in your future?

Shera, princess of power!

Great form!


This is what you get after Carleigh accidentally hits Luke in the head with the bowling ball. Keepin' it real!


Hope you're having a good week! What are your summer plans? I think we'll hit the library tomorrow.
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