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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

In the news

Edited to update:
If you tried to catch the Emma's Hugs story on KHOU Channel 11 news at 4 today 1/25/12, you didn't miss it. The weather in the Houston area was severe today, so our story got bumped so everyone could see the effects of the weather. Bummer! We will post the new day the story will air as soon as we know it.


Sherry Williams, an anchor from KHOU, Channel 11 in Houston, Texas, followed Emma's Hugs respresentatives, Kelvin and Christy Dunnam (that's us) around Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital a couple of weeks ago. She was doing a story for their "What's Right" segment in which they feature weekly reports that highlight positive, inspiring stories in our community. They saw first hand what Emma's Hugs does. In case you're new around here, Emma's Hugs is the charity we founded in Emma's honor. The mission of this organization is to provide parking assistance for families in the Texas Medical Center. The story should air tomorrow, Wednesday, January 25, on the 4 o'clock news. Hopefully it won't get booted to another day because of all the bad weather forecasted for tomorrow. If you're in the Houston area, we hope you will watch, or set your DVR!
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