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Monday, January 9, 2012

The gym

I made it to the gym for my assessment and to kick off the start of my 30 day free membership. I guess that's all it will be at that particular gym, because they are mighty proud of their facility...not in the budget. Maybe I'll give the other gym in town a try again after the free 30. Anyway, I had an assessment and will have a free personal training day tomorrow with an adorable gal named Audra. She had an inspiring story to share of how she went from 200 pounds to the tiny little thing she is today. I think I can do it. I'm not 200 pounds, but I'm not anywhere close to where I want to be either. I am inspired though, and that's huge, right? I think so. Big problem with me is that I like to eat...a lot! I like to cook, I like having people over and cooking for them, I like to eat what I cook, and a little just doesn't do it for me most of the time. When I'm in the yucky part of my cycle (and there only seems to be a few days that aren't yucky) I like to eat even more. So, I'm praying those habits are replaced with good ones, and I won't be starving and ready to eat a half a cow with my smaller portions and less food in general. I'm on my way to fit and 40 (ugh)! I still can't get used to that number. Good thing I have 337 days, 4 hours, 54 minutes! :)
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