When I look at my little Cora, who is almost 2 now, and so very full of life, I wish I could freeze the moments. My memory isn't so kind these days. Sometimes it is very faint. I wish I could push rewind sometimes and watch the archives stored in the depths of my mind. The happy times, the watermelon on the beach times, the head flung back with laughter times, the proud dance recital times, kicks on the soccer field times, goals scored times, tickle times, tricks on the swings set times, splashes in the pool times, bugs discovered times, hugs and kisses times, I love you times, butterflies covering the sky on the beach times, healthy times...
Following is a video from Ann Voskamp. I appreciate so much the blessing her writing has been for my soul recently. I hope you will enjoy this too... (please pause the music at the bottom of our blog to enjoy the sound from the video.)