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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Parties updated with photos

Yesterday I went to Cora's Christmas party. It was so cute! I'll post pictures and video later. Today is Luke's party. Tomorrow is Carleigh's party. I'm also singing at a party in the morning for some of the wonderful people from Bay Area Rehab. Many of them were Emma's therapists. I hope I can get through it without shedding tears. There's not much pretty about a sobbing singer!

Of course I forgot to take the camera to Carleigh's party. I always forget something!
The big kids are playing basketball and cheering for Upward this year, and they are supposed to learn a scripture every week. This week's verse is "And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 Good reminder of how we should live, huh?

Well, off to get ready for party numero dos.

Merry Christmas!

p.s. I got through singing at the therapists' Christmas party without tears while I sang!
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