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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

She's getting it

Today was a good day in the life of Carleigh Renee Dunnam. We were riding around town this morning, running errands and listening to the local Christian station. They were asking those who can to give to their Baha building fund. There is a group working down there even as I type to build homes. It only costs $6,000 to build a house! Well, Carleigh heard and was paying close attention. After a few minutes she said, "Mama, I've been listening to them talk about needing money for homes, and I've been thinking that I want to give a donation." She and Luke earn an allowance, and she wanted to give some of her own money. So this afternoon when we got home, we got online and made her donation. Of course, my heart is swelling so big, I think it might burst.

Carleigh has also been growing her hair long so she could donate to Locks of Love. Today Luke had a hair appointment, and Carleigh asked our beloved Veronica if her hair was long enough. Once she measured and showed Carleigh how short it would be after chopping it all off, Carleigh gave Veronica the go ahead. We have her braid and Locks of Love donation form ready to mail tomorrow. Here are a couple of the pictures I took with my phone, so they're not all that great, but I think you'll be able to see how excited she is...

Take a look at that braid! Locks of Love bound!

After shot of my precious little girl

Last week, our church sent a group to Haiti. They got back home around midnight Sunday morning. I can't wait to hear and see what God did through them and in them while they were there. They have the entire time next Sunday at church to tell us all about it. One of our good friends went. Marc shared his account on their blog here. Hopefully his video will be up soon.

Another good friend of ours from church had the opportunity to go to Sudan in March. She shared with us how the trip impacted her life, and her testimony made me reflect on the importance of giving to missions, whether physically, prayerfully or financially. God tells us to take care of the orphans and the widowed, the poor and the hungry. How easy it is to think we're doing that by letting the government take care of it. How wrong we are!

Take care of those sweet babies whose parents can't afford new shoes or clothes right around the corner, or the single mom who can't afford the car repairs she so desperately needs, or the orphans across the ocean or next to our country who need love. God calls us all to do something. What will it be for me, for you?

Have what you want, but want what you have. "To whom much is given, much is required." Luke 12:48 So these are some of the things I've been thinking about lately. What's going on in your mind?
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