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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Our God is an Awesome God

(author warning: kelvin)

Wow, what an awesome God we serve!
The God of Abraham; The God of Jacob; The God of Isaac!
Our God!
The One who heals; The One who saves; The One who protects!
Our God!
I have but only one sick child; He has them all.
My heart is heavy with sadness; His carries the weight of the world.
I hurt for Emma; He hurt for the first ill child after sin entered the world.

Emma has touched thousands of lives, more than most do in an eighty year span. But that doesn't begin to justify her illness in my mind.
I will stand before God one day and he will reveal to me how he tried so hard to bring her situation back towards his original perfect plan; the pre-sin plan.
It will be incredible; I will be speechless as I fall on my face in praise to his mightyness.

He will reveal the trail of influence that Emma had; how it went from mother -to child -to teacher -to brother -to co-worker -to pastor -to blog friends -to father -to uncle -to stranger at the store -to cancer patient -to doctor -to nurse -to grandmother -to unknown e-mail recipient -to another state -to another continent -to another generation and started over a thousand times again -and again -and again...

And while seeing this revelation a beautiful blonde hair girl will run and jump in my arms. We will look back at the flash of time we spent on earth and it will seem like a foggy dream from long ago. Then we will look forward to an enternity of perfect health and laughter and we will sing praises to God as loud as we can...together...and run...and laugh...and dance...

As I recall that I can not remember what gifts were given or received last year, let us all remember the reason for the season...for unto us a babe was born...God is good.

Merry Christmas!
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