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Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Well, shoot! I can't believe I haven't carved out even a second to talk about what is going on in our world right now. We have been planning Emma's Bayou Bash.

I can.not.BE.LIEVE it's already here! All I have done the past couple of months is eat, drink and breath Bayou Bash. The event is Saturday, March 1, from 4-7, at McLeod Park Community Building in Mont Belvieu. If you're local, or even semi local, please come by and eat some yummy gumbo cooked by my mega fine man, bid on some of the INCREDIBLE auction items, and listen to some really good music by Market Junction. Mont Belvieu is only about 30 minutes east of downtown Houston. The community building is spitting distance from I-10. ;)

It is amazing how much people have given to this event...from our faithful planning team, to the underwriters, to the auction donors, to the team of volunteers who will come work Saturday! It's just awesome.

If you don't have a clue what Emma's Bayou Bash is, let me 'splane it to you, Lucy:

At two years old, Emma, Kelvin and Christy Dunnam’s third child, was diagnosed with a fatal disease, which took her life two years later. Wanting to memorialize the happier times in Emma’s life—the times she laughed, played, and gave big hugs, the Dunnam family founded Emma’s Hugs in 2009.
 Emma’s Hugs assists families with long-term patients in the Texas Medical Center with free parking chips. Since its inception, Emma’s Hugs’ volunteers have given 16,000 days of free parking to families in the Texas Medical Center. The organization uses a “random act of kindness” philosophy. Free parking is given to anyone, and does not discriminate for anything, including income or need, because serious injuries and illnesses do not discriminate either. Emma’s Hugs believes everyone needs a hug, especially those in long-term hospital settings. Please visit for more information about Emma’s Hugs.
Emma’s Bayou Bash was organized in 2009 by friends to help Emma. The event was a tremendous success and carved a place in the heart of the community. The subsequent Emma’s Bayou Bashes have benefited Batten Disease Research and Emma’s Hugs. We are proud to continue this event for the purpose of gathering great friends, making new friends, and securing the funding needed for Emma’s Hugs to impact our community. 

That's it in a nutshell. So, please come to Emma's Bayou Bash and have a good time supporting a great organization.

As for me, I hope to be back to my regular sporadic blogging schedule next week. Just for fun, here's what is on our menu this week...

It's gotta be quick and easy this week, y'all!

Well, now you know why I've been Missing In Action. Be back soon!
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