Our boy is nine today! Wow! Could it be
that long ago I only had one little one at my heals and a swollen belly? I remember putting an "I'm the BIG sister" shirt on Carleigh to announce to our friends and family that there would be another little Dunnam running around. When the day arrived for Luke to make his debut, Kelvin had worked late into the night making deer sausage with his uncles and had just climbed into bed after his shower, completely exhausted. He kissed me goodnight and turned over to go to sleep. I don't think it was two minutes later I felt my water break. I told him what had just happened, and he said, "Do you know what time it is?" Unfortunately for my worn out man, we would head to the hospital about an hour later. We had a little time to rest once we arrived, but not much before the contractions started getting harder and our little boy bundle arrived.
(I would be lying if I said I didn't care if we were having a boy or girl. I wanted a little man cub. Of course, I would have been totally pleased as punch had the ultrasound shown another little girl, but I was excited to hear the technician say, "Looks like we have a boy.") After Luke nursed intially he slept the rest of the day. That night, the nurse made me wake him up to feed him again. Kelvin's first time to change Luke's diaper was hilarious. I think Kelvin is still somewhat damaged by the whole experience of being sprayed by a baby boy, but he's starting to heal. ;)
The young wizard requested cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
At nine, Luke is into Harry Potter, bey blades, rip sticks, skate boards, gymnastics, soccer, tossing around a football, doing well in school, loving his dog, fishing, hunting, and picking on his sisters. He loves playing, loves God, and loves winning. Everything is a contest at this age. He is a delightful child and has a sensitive side opposite his spitwad spitting, practical joker side. He is boy through and through. He keeps us on our toes and doubled over laughing much of the time. I love this little man of mine.
Happy birthday, Lukester!