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Sunday, January 6, 2013

HaPpY New Year!

I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas and fun New Year's Eve. We had a great holiday. Not sure if I mentioned we were blessed with the opportunity to purchase a piece of property not far from our old deer lease, but we closed on the sale in November. We headed up after Christmas for a few days, and Kelvin harvested the first buck off the Dunnam Ranch. :) We are pretty excited about our little piece of heaven in the hill country. We will put a small cabin on it but nothing huge or extravagant AT. ALL. There is no power or water, so we'll keep it simple with solar power and bring in water to fill a tank. We're looking for another lease in the area, because our place isn't really ideal for hunting. Looking forward to the planning and pinning that will surely take place over the nex year. :)

I feel just awful that I have been so behind on posting. I simply do not know where the day goes. Before I know it, the kids are in bed, I straighten up a bit, check a few emails and blogs,  and it's 10 p.m.! I hope to do better managing my time this year. I have several other goals including, but not limited to, cleaning (I mean throwing out most of the stuff) in every room of this house, painting, planting, growing, and losing. Growing in my faith and losing the extra pounds that found their way to my backside and belly are the two biggest goals of the year. I'm excited about another Hello Mornings Challenge, and I've at least tossed around several ideas as to how best to lose those extra pounds. I started this week by being more mindful of drinking water throughout the day and taking note of what I'm putting into my mouth. It's a lot. :( Tomorrow I will jump on the exercise train.

Also, will you please join me in praying for my sweet Grandmama? She has advanced Altzheimer's Disease and this week she has struggled with a really bad cold. Pray for strength for my mom and aunt as they care for her and peace for any future decisions they have to make. Thank you. Also, if you would keep my sister in your continued prayers. She just finished her halfway point of chemo treatments. She is so brave. I'm so proud of her. She feels awful until it's time for the next treatment. I know she is looking forward to spring when all of this will be over. Thank you for praying.

Have a beautiful week!
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