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Monday, September 19, 2011

Auctions and Gumbo and Sponsors--oh my!

I am up to my eyeballs in Emma's Bayou Bash 2011 (click to go to the Facebook page) stuff! It's very exciting to see all the pieces fall into place. So many friends of Emma's Hugs are working hard to make this event successful! I can't wait! There are tons of details that go into planning an event of this magnitude...I had no idea. I still don't think I do. I wake up in the middle of the night a lot of times thinking about something I hadn't thought of before. I'm nervous I'll forget something cups! I hadn't thought about cups until the other day. Glad I did. One of my good friends from high school is providing them through her company. We have so many awesome sponsors and businesses that are coming through for us. It's going to be a great day. I hope everyone comes out and supports Emma's Hugs, helping us carry on Emma's legacy. I miss her more through all of the planning. Please don't take this the wrong way, but as much as I love what Emma's Hugs does, and as wonderful as I think the charity is, I would much rather have my 5 year old here with me, healthy, playing with her sisters and brother and telling me all about kindergarten. I hope that doesn't sound awful. I look at the little girls her age, playing soccer, walking through the halls at school, dressed up in cheerleading outfits or leotards, and my heart aches. I will never completely understand why on this side of heaven. I know it will be revealed to us one day. But for now, I have to trust that we are doing what we are supposed to be doing...carrying on and serving others, as we remember our precious Emma.

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17
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