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Monday, April 11, 2011

Giving Thanks

Giving thanks for
#30 our sweet Cora who sings, "Jesus Loves Me," in the car, into the microphone, in the backyard or wherever suits her fancy
#31 friends who encourage me
#32 strangers who do the same
#33 calm amidst the craziness
#34 unexpected gifts (thank you, Jessica)
#35 cool spring night with the one I love
#36 sausage on the fire pit
#37 Refiner's fire
#38 Committing Colossians 1 to memory
#39 my friend who did as well
#40 rising above
#41 Jesus paid it all...o praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead

Joining Ann and others in giving thanks today.
Won't you join us too?

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