One of the most precious ladies I know is Kim Boyd-DeBerry. She has such a beautiful testimony and shares it daily with people at her tea room, The Mustard Seed and flower shop, Boyd's Blossoms. She made a gorgeous rose cover for Emma's casket. I am blessed to know her. While eating and making cookies on Christmas Eve, in the pouring down rain, someone left this on our porch. Attached was this explanation...
Smile, you've been Bruced! You are probably wondering what this means. Well, let me tell you. See, Bruce was my husband and the father of our two wonderful children. Bruce was killed Decmeber 5, 2003, and that changed our lives forever. I believe God has many plans for our lives, and this was ours. He places many people in your path to help you through difficult times and realize those plans. Bruce passed away on Saturday, and my children and I were at church on Sunday. On that Sunday in my Sunday school class, John Leonard decided to give a type of memorial to Bruce. To his surprise, I was there, and there was no other place I would have rather been. He talked about Bruce and how he never saw him without a smile on his face, so he passed out smiley faces for everyone to wear. A friend of mine, Christy Lackey had lost her husband a few years prior and was told by someone to pray and ask God for a sign that everything would be ok. Well, I did, and my first sign was that smiley face sticker from John. We see them appear in all different places and shapes. Some of them are hard to believe, but they are so true. The smiley face for Christmas came from a friend, Resa Kogut. Resa paints, and since Bruce passed away at Christmas, and it was a hard time for my kids, she painted a smiley face that is about 9 feet tall with a Santa hat. When we woke and found it in our front yard, we could help but smile. The feelings that we had were so great that we knew we had to share this. Every Christmas Eve, our family sits down and decides who has touched our lives the past year, and you are that person or family. A lot of people think that Christmas is a time to get that certain game, jewelry or outfit, but it is so much more. Every year our family looks forward to making some family realize how special they are and how they made us smile. God has smiled on our family and has blessed us with an addition. Geoff and I were marrried November 29, and he has joined us in this tradition of making people smile. Have a Merry Christmas.
Love and Just Smile,
Kim, Geoff, Brok and Stormy Boyd-DeBerry
Dunnam Family
We selected your family for your incredible strength that you reflect and the faith you uphold. With all that your family endured you stay strong and give back to others. I believe when something happens to take us to our knees, we are to get up and learn from it to help others, and you have done that. Emma will never be forgotten, and she has changed so many lives. Thank for sharing her love with us all.
Thank you, Kim and family! You made us smile on Christmas Eve. What an honor to be thought of by your family.