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Monday, October 23, 2017

Christy's Confessions

I think I'll start a new segment on the blog called, "Christy's Confessions." Clever, huh? It will be a spot to share the good, the bad and the ugly. Something maybe you're not super proud of or maybe something that you're knocking out of the park. I'll start, and you can chime in with your confession too if you so desire. It'll be fun! We'll see if I make it past this first one! Ha!

Here goes...

1. I might be addicted to sour cream and onion potato chips. I think I could probably down an entire family size bag, thank you very much. No, they don't fit in with my otherwise healthy diet, but I love them. I'm not particular about the brand. Just bring 'em to Mama!

2. I might also be addicted to Tessamae's Creamy Ranch salad dressing. Y'all, it is SO good. Just like with any Ranch dressing, it goes well with everything, except this one IS good for you! (well, maybe not the whole bottle in one sitting) It's Whole 30 approved, dairy-free, gluten-free, and all the things. It's not vegan-friendly...sorry vegan friends. I used to buy it at Target and Kroger when I lived in Southeast Texas, but now that I'm in Northeast Ohio (holy cow! I'm still not used to saying that) I buy it at Giant Eagle and Walmart. I wish Aldi carried it because that's where I've been shopping lately. Anyone with an Aldi connection? Let's make that happen, pretty please?

3. Most mornings I get up at 5:30 and go walking with my neighbor. BOOM!! We are basically walking rock stars! Today, I had a teacher conference at 7:10 (isn't that kind of early for a meeting where you have to think clearly) and had to cancel on my friend. Guess what? She went without me! I'm so proud...and jealous that I'm not as awesome!

4. I might have completely forgotten about packing Cora's lunch today. Like, I totally didn't even think about it until I was making my lunch at 1:09 p.m. Gah! (It was that 7:10 a.m. meeting that threw me for a loop!) I hope the sweet cafeteria people took care of her. I'll make them something special.

5. I start a new job tomorrow. Cora's over the moon because I'll be at her school every day. I guess this one isn't really a confession or a bragging point. I'll be in touch with which way it goes. Hopefully, I'll knock it out of the park!

Happy Monday!

I'll leave you with something pretty from my Instagram story yesterday evening...

I love the marina in the fall.

Gorgeous sunset for fishing.

Good night, Sunday.

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